Florida Strawberry Festival

Special Smiles Day

The Strawberry Festival will host a Special Smiles Day on Friday, March 3rd. We plan to attend and will share our fun at the festival. The fair will host all individuals with special needs and their families. At gate 5, 9am on March 3, 2023 the individual with special needs and one adult (guest) will be admitted for free. The event details a special map that hosts many unique opportunities for families. Food Vouchers ($5) available to the first 1,000 people. A sensory safe space and a photo opportunity with Mr. and Mrs. Strawberry. This event is located in the Kiddie Korral area; always a big hit for kids.

Strawberry festival website with details

I’m so excited for the potential for more special needs individuals to experience the festival. It’s a family favorite for years and we learned that we need to attend on a weekday for the best environment for our child to have a successful; not overwhelming day, so we can all have a great time.

More and more organizations are hosting or sponsoring events throughout the state that are sensory friendly, so follow Ruthfulness on social media platforms for events that I find and share.

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